Strategy Execution

Realizing strategies & Integrating companies — It is not enough to have a strategy. To keep your company competitive, you have to guide, manage, coach and carefully watch over the strategic implementation progress. All employees have to be involved, engaged and true to the company’s long-term goals. In close partnership with you, we implement a modern management model that corresponds to the values and needs of modern people and prepares you to deal effectively with an ever more complex and fast changing world. The StrategyEngine® framework secures the realization of your strategy.

The services are tailored to each customer’s specific need but build around three main pillars:

  1. Assessment: analyzes the organization’s current capability to tackle its main challenges. Typical calendar time frame is two months.

  2. Top level engine: supports the management team in clarifying the company/division/unit strategy. This is done to ensure a shared vision in the team. The management team identifies strategic gaps that need to be closed. A proven methodology is implemented to close the gaps and measure progress. Typical time frame is 3–5 months or 3–4 workshops with homework in between.

  3. Strategy engine: supports you in the implementation of a robust infrastructure for involving everyone in the organization in the strategy realization. We offer formulation support to create a strategic reasoning that gives energy and is well understood by everyone. Furthermore we offer leadership training and coaching that strengthens the culture and further supports the teams and individuals to take full ownership in driving change. These projects usually have a duration of 12-18 months calendar time and after that the organization has the skills and infrastructure to continue the organizational development on their own.

I do these projects together with my fellow partners at IntegPartner. Read more here: IntegPartner.