Strategic Portfolio Management and Strategic Marketing

Strategic Portfolio and Marketing Management is a key activity in the company since these processes influence the whole value chain. I offer support in how to plan and prioritize your and your team’s activities over a yearly cycle, to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the function and how to build close relationships with the stakeholders.

I also offer support to teams and managers to drive specific functional projects or tasks such as Market Analysis, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Portfolio review and health check analysis, Portfolio growth strategies and differentiation strategies, Strategic bucketing and Life-cycle management.

The objective is a sustainable, profitable growth of the product and service portfolio. The key success factor for portfolio management is to deal effectively and balance the time you put on your long-term strategies with the more short-term activities that calls upon action in the day-to-day operations.

The duration of the projects can be everything from one-day workshops to series of workshops with homework in between, depending on the objectives.